Directory of the best doctors in Canada

At WildsMD, we've compiled a list of Canada's top doctors. Here you can find a doctor's phone number, email, practice address, and even send a message to him or her. Our goal is to collect the largest database of true doctor reviews so that everyone can find the best doctor for themselves and their families. So use our search, let's go.

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Doctor is an independent website with reviews and ratings of doctors in Canada, where real patients can share their experiences, thoughts, and opinions about visiting a particular doctor or clinic.

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Doctor search service

Patients can find the right doctor in their city and find out their current contacts and the address of the practice.

Reviews of doctors

We provide the opportunity to rate a doctor and leave a review in the form of a detailed comment or survey.

Service for doctors

Doctors can create and edit their profiles for free, as well as respond to comments, increasing patient trust and their professional reputation.


Service for Doctors - Expand Your Practice Horizons Now

Is your name not yet in our catalog? Well, there is a unique opportunity to improve your practice and attract new clients for free. It's simple: create your profile, it allows your patients to find up-to-date contact information about you and make an appointment. Take the first step.

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New Qualified Medical Specialists

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Dr Mirriam Eyesan

Dr Mirriam Eyesan

Family Physician

0.0 rating
Dr Christina Riehl

Dr Christina Riehl

Family Physician

0.0 rating
Dr Sarina Messina

Dr Sarina Messina


0.0 rating
Dr George Evans

Dr George Evans


0.0 rating
Dr Frederick Stocker Jr

Dr Frederick Stocker Jr


0.0 rating
Dr Melissa Carter

Dr Melissa Carter


0.0 rating
Dr Tahereh Hosseini

Dr Tahereh Hosseini

Family Physician

0.0 rating
Dr Subhash Patel

Dr Subhash Patel

Family Physician

0.0 rating
Dr Karamjit Gill

Dr Karamjit Gill

Hematologist, Internal Medicine Physician, Oncologist

0.0 rating
Dr Annette Holmvang

Dr Annette Holmvang

Vascular Surgeon

0.0 rating
Dr Craig Emes

Dr Craig Emes


0.0 rating
Dr Sudhakar Dawadi

Dr Sudhakar Dawadi

Internal Medicine Physician, Respirologist

0.0 rating

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